So what did I do with the "extra" day, February 29?
It started out a rather normal day. Jan made egg-in-a-nest for breakfast. I packed lunches. Mary tended to dog and chickens. Then, we all headed off to work.
I taught my first two classes followed by chapel, two more classes, hot lunch, and one more class. I had a former student visiting my classroom for periods 4 and 5 to observe as a part of her college training to be an English teacher. At lunch I received a friendly reminder note that I am responsible for the bulletin board in the hall for the month of March. At that point, my day changed.
Rather than studying my Sunday school lesson and reading Ben Hur this afternoon, I pulled a bulletin board out of the archives in my room and put it up. By 5 PM I was finished with that and ready to start on the tasks at hand. That's when Mary called and said she would be working another 2 hours because they had a job at the cabinet shop that was behind schedule.
So, here I am at 6:30 with my school work finished, a new bulletin board on the wall, my Sunday school lesson studied, and ready to begin reading Ben Hur. I am only about 25 chapters behind my students.
I need another extra day to catch up!