Monday, March 31, 2008

Static Electric

Moses Burkholer was at school today to give a demonstration in science class. The freshmen were a bit nonchalant and and univolved when he started, but it didn't take them long to be fascinated by the demonstrations. They were soon volunteering to be shocked, etc.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Mini-Terms 2008 -- Day 4

No photos at all today. Mini-terms is over. It was a good week, but we are ready to go back to a normal schedule and activities. We were glad for all the time it wasn't raining this week (especially the horseback riding, tennis, biking, etc. classes). The school is returning to norm again. My room has desks in it again. Ping pong tables have disappeared. Sewing machines are back in the home ec room. The library has returned to being a library rather than a scrapbooking room. It has been a good break, but a break doesn't last forever.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Mini-Terms 2008 -- Day 3

I did not get to walk by or stop in many other classes today. Hence, the photos are rather limited to my two Readers' Theater classes today and the bean bag class that runs in the yearbook room close to the office the period I am in the office to answer the phone.

Readers' Theater class carried 12 ft. ladders through the hall and then set them up in the foyer. Some of the ladders were amazingly flexible!

Readers' theater class "ice" skating.

rag quilts patches are ready to be put together

bags of bean bag stuffing waiting in the furnace room for the girls to finish their bean bags

While some girls are still sewing their bean bags, others are beginning to fill them.

or at least trying to fill them. But there is a problem when the bag gets a hole at the top and the bottom and the person holding the bean bag runs off.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Mini-Terms 2008 -- Day 2

More activities of mini-terms . . .

table tennis

candy making

cake decorating

June, a former student, came in to talk to the college prep class about applying to college, first impressions of college, how college is different from high school, and anything else she could share from her experience. It was helpful that she is an LPN and the two students in the college prep class are interested in the nursing field.

The math room has turned into a bike storage area.

painting class is doing a painting of snowmen

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mini-Terms 2008 -- Day 1

This morning we started mini-terms at school. I am teaching two classes of Readers' Theater and a College Prep class. Each class is 1 1/2 hours, and there are four periods in a day. The fourth period I am sitting in the office to answer the phone.

Today I took my college prep class to the local high school Career Center to get information about colleges, scholarships, etc. They came back with a handful of information and a lot more questions than they had when they went. I think it was worthwhile visiting the center and getting them started asking the questions they need to ask at some point.

The two readers' theater classes have a very improvised "stage" identified with masking tape on the floor of my classroom. Today we talked about characterization and read through several skits in each of those classes.


Not a part of the skit!

I have not been able to observe much of what is happening in other rooms. The other classes are breakfast foods, basketball, chess, scrapbooking, electrical, CPR, horseback riding, Creation Research, woodshop for girls, hometown cooking for guys, archery, digital photography, meteorology, quoits, rag quilt, candle making, blasting, hockey, slate painting, cake decorating, table tennis, candy making, auto body, tennis, cross cultural class,biking, chip & putt, auto mechanics for girls, urban youth, bean bag chairs, lawn golf.

Bean Bag chair class

Obstacle Course in Urban Youth class

"Leading the Blind"