The garage wasn't there when we lived there. It was the first part to go.
The first bite out of the main house.
It had been turned into a walk-in closet in later years.
and the spare room that was used by whoever lived with us at the moment: Eugene, the twins, etc. It was also a play room for our dolls.
There was a lot of dust.

The stairway and the kitchen on the first floor going, going . . .

Another view from across the road.

one section deeper into the house.
more dust...
Barely visible behind the dust is my parents' bedroom on the left and mine on the right.
Again another view from the road.
my bedroom wall -- I think that may be the wall paper that was on when we lived there. Something about it seemed vaguely familiar. A later picture has a clearer view.

This is a better view of my bedroom wall.

The basement under the kitchen. They found an old well (center of photo) that the last owner had no idea existed.

attic steps
A few little trees were in his way so he grabbed them and pulled them out and set them aside--simple matter to remove a few trees.
Clear view of the attic steps. My sister was scared of these steps and my mother used them for her punishment. I was scared to sleep in my room because of all the scary things that could come down those steps right into my bedroom and get me during the night.
Another view from across the road.