Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dress Shop Closed Until Further Notice

Each summer I attempt to get a little sewing done because (1) I never have time to do much if any sewing during the school year (2) sewing is not a favorite hobby (3) by the time I get the mending done, I am frustrated enough with the idea of sewing.

This summer as I was housecleaning the closet in the library I realized how much fabric was waiting to be made into dresses. Before I got started sewing, Romaine gave me another piece for my birthday (which isn't until October). I decided that sewing had become a priority for the summer. Making that decision brought me to the realization that I had just two weeks to do it before it is time to begin the summer job of stripping and waxing floors. I set my goal to be finished by the end of June. I counted out the pieces of fabrics and discovered there were nine--three of mine and six of Mary's.

I started with cutting one for each of us and sewing them at the same time. I thought it seemed to go faster that way. By the end of the first week, I had four dresses finished and one more only needed buttons on the sleeves. I was working on dress #7 when I found another piece of fabric in a box in the basement. I have no idea why it was there, but there it was. It must have been in that box when we moved six years ago because I know someone had given it to Mary before we moved.

The three to the left are mine. The other seven are Mary's. The last three on the right are new work dresses for her. Maybe she can get rid of some of the rags she has been wearing. Four of the pieces of fabric were given to us. Three of them Mary bought at a yardsale for $1 a yard.

This morning I finished dress #10. Tomorrow is July 1, and I begin scrubbing floors.