Saturday, May 09, 2020


In these days of abundant conspiracy theories including anything from laboratories to turkeys, the question is "What is truth?"  People are grasping for something that will answer their questions.  They are grasping for anything that will give them a sense of "knowing" what is going on.

This is not a new question. Pilate asked Jesus that same question.

I will not enter into a discussion about whether or not the governor and other authorities have done the right or wrong thing.
I will not enter into a discussion about conspiracy theories: accuracy or fallacy.

That is not the point of this blog.

I have decided that although I would like to know what is going on, it is better for me to focus on things I KNOW are true.

1) The truth is God is sovereign. He has everything past, present, and future under His control. All of history and all of prophecy center on Him and His plan. No one gets the upper hand with Him. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and many more attributes.

2) The truth is that His Word is truth. If we want to know the truth and focus on truth, we must focus on His Word. How does the time I spend reading the news compare with the time I spend reading THE Truth of God's Word?  That has been a challenge for me.

3) The truth is God is not surprised by the coronavirus or any other event that comes along.  We didn't know this was coming. We had no idea when we left school on a Friday back in March that we would be finishing the school year online, that there would be no senior trip, the banquet and graduation would be anything but normal, that weddings and funerals would be private affairs, that businesses would be shut down for months causing some to close permanently. But God knew all that. He knew every detail about the Coronavirus that scientists have been trying to discover. He knew how we would respond to being shut down. He knew the challenges that would arise between people who disagree about what they think is happening. God was not surprised.

4) The truth is God knows His children and promises to be with them. This is one of the most comforting truths. We don't know the future, but God does, and He promises to walk with His children through whatever comes.

5) The truth is my life has to be surrendered to the Lord Jesus completely, with no reservations, for all time, in every circumstance. I will only be able to find comfort in His presence when I am surrendered to Him. Anytime I am not surrendered, I am trying to take things into my own hands and my own control.  I am not omniscient nor omnipotent nor the other attributes of God; that is true.

6) The truth is that our responses to our circumstances are teaching those around us how to respond. Children and teens learn more from how we respond than from what we say.  Case in point: a school three miles or so from my house was shut down along with all the rest of the schools back in March. The school house is empty, doors closed, shades drawn, no one is there.  However, just weeks after the shutdown, they started having school in an empty house nearby. Next week they will finish their school year at that "empty" house.  What did those students learn this year?  Among other things, the truth is that they learned to deceive their authorities.  When we don't like what the authorities say, we find a way around it and do what we want to do (and just hope we don't get caught).

7) The truth is that we can learn from this experience.  As I focus on the truth, I want to understand more who God is, I want to trust in His presence, I want to grow wiser in my responses. There is so much I do not know, but I do know where to go for truth.  Will you join me on the search for truth?

1 comment:

Miller scribe said...

Excellent post!