Saturday, November 24, 2007

Farm Sale

Black Friday dawned bright and chilly. We did some work around home and then headed for the farm sale. There was a nice group of spectators and bidders. I was, of course, just a spectator.
I was at many auctions before, but I think this was the first farm sale I ever attended.

The grandchildren sold hot soup, doughnuts, and hot drinks.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Benefit Auction

Last week we attended a benefit auction for Mary's 17-year-old niece. Geril has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Her youth group friends organized a benefit auction for last Saturday. The response was a bit overwhelming for the family. There were nearly 200 bidders who raised somewhere in the neighborhood of $15,000. That will not go far in paying medical bills these days, but it is certainly a financial lift for a family of 10 children and no medical insurance.

Lauren, Sharita, and Geril