Saturday, September 30, 2006

Admitting Defeat

We recognized years ago that neither of us likes to clean. It has always been one of those chores we both dread, but we both know it has to be done occasionally. As a result, our house has suffered and we along with it. After we moved, I started cleaning the upstairs one week and the basement the other week, but that schedule, too, died along the way. At rare times, the mess gets too bad and we dig in and clean. However, it becomes an all-day affair. I won't clean if she has become distracted by something in the organizing process. That statement is true for both of us. Hence, one or the other is voluntarily being distracted while waiting for the other to get back to the business at hand.

This week we have admitted defeat and hired a cleaning lady. She is only coming once a month and cleaning the upstairs and the office area in the basement. We PLAN to clean the rest of the basement and the whole house the weeks she isn't coming, but at least we know our house will be cleaned once a month by someone who enjoys cleaning. That is improvement.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Or, at least your house will be cleaned by someone who enjoys getting paid to clean it! Have you considered paying each other to clean your house. If one of you would pay the other to clean the upstairs and then they in turn would get paid to clean the basement.

But then maybe now you can sit at home and do nothing except watch your house getting cleaned. It does seem like if you are paying someone to do it, it might be fun to sit and do nothing while your cleaning lady is working.