Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Pursuit

Oh, the interesting things one sees along the road! Last week a local farmer was selling pumpkins. They attracted a lot of attention with their sign. Was it intentional? Did a child paint the sign? Or, was it a very dutchified adult who did it ignorantly?

Sometimes I need to restrain myself from correcting people's errors. In the last week we received two invitations that said, "YOUR INVITED." Now, I would like to know what an "invited" is. The possessive pronoun implies that I own one--whatever it is. Is it something I can carry with me or is it something that I will need my trailer to haul? Is it something that will last for years or is it perishable? Just what is an "invited?" This morning at church, the superintendent was having devotions and several times in 15 minutes used grammatical errors such as yous can . . . .

I failed. OK. Maybe I didn't have an opportunity to teach the farmer who is selling pumpkins jeap. And maybe I didn't have an opportunity to teach the one person who told me I have an invited. But the other one was from a former student who should know better. She passed all of my classes and, if I remember correctly, was on the honor roll at school. This is a person I would like to correct, but that may be the end of the existence of my "invited." The superintendent is also a former student. He is another person I would like to correct. But I certainly cannot go through life correcting all of my former students' writings and speech for incorrect grammar. I failed in teaching them to correct their own grammar. So, what can I do to change that in the future? I suppose that will be my pursuit until I retire.

1 comment:

GKStauffer said...

You can teach them English, but can you teach them a values? Is the root of the problem ignorance or apathy?