Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Last year Mary knew I would not have time to keep the garden and flower beds weeded. She sprinkled Preen on them to help me out a bit. I was rather skeptical but thought it was worth a try.

This year I decided I didn't want to spend my whole summer weeding. I bought more Preen and used it in almost every part of the garden and flower beds.

The photo is two weeks after I weeded the garden. I am sold on the stuff.


Scribbler said...

That's right! Gerald said we could do that after we mulched and I forgot about it. What's the difference between the two containers?

Meredith said...

I'm sure it works great, but do you want those chemicals in your food chain. Don't come crying to me at your funeral after you die young from having ingested all those chemicals! :-)


GKStauffer said...

Meredith does have a valid point there.

Gray Lane said...

You have a point. For what it is worth, I used organic Preen on the garden. I don't know how much difference that makes.