Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow Days

What do I do on snow days? Well, that depends on whether I am already at school when the call comes through that we are closed or if I am at home.

Yesterday I got up at regular time and got ready for school. We were scheduled for a two-hour delay, but all the time I was thinking: "there is no way we are having school today." Just before we left, I checked online one more time and saw the Garden Spot school district was closed. We usually do whatever they do. I quickly made the decision to stay home. I was glad because about a half hour later the call came through that we were also closed. I spent the day doing laundry, a bit of computer designing for the print shop, blowing snow in the driveway, and school work that I had brought with me the day before in anticipation of a day off.

Today we were again supposed to have a two-hour delay. I checked the local school district again just before walking out the door and it was still a two-hour delay. I decided to come along. Mary drove to Conestoga and then I came back to the school to wait for others to show up. I guess I will be waiting because about a half hour after I was here, I got the call that I will have the building to myself today. So what am I going to do? I spent the first hour catching up on my Bible reading. I have some papers to grade. There is a book I would like to finish reading. I could change a bulletin board (although the winter scene I have up now seems appropriate), I could always take a nap, and I brought healthy size bags of pretzels and grapes for breaking boredom. Somehow, I think the day will quickly pass in solitude.

Monday was scheduled for a snow make-up day. We hadn't had any snow days before yesterday, but now it is evident we will have school on Monday and the Monday after Easter.

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