Saturday, July 29, 2006

No Man is an Island

Following Floyd's spectacular win of the Tour de France, the Landis family was mobbed by camera-lugging reporters , well-wishers, neighbors, friends, and strangers. People called, drove by and blew the horn, stopped for a visit. Reporters were at their house Sunday morning before they left for church. They followed Paul & Arlene to church where Floyd's brother Bob told the reporters, "We are here to worship. You are welcome to come inside and worship with us, but your equipment stays outside." When Paul & Arlene returned home, there were 15 reporters waiting for them at the door. Reporters swarmed the property until after 11 PM and returned Monday at 6:30 AM. Paul, Arlene, and Floyd's sister Charity tried to be gracious with the reporters, but the youngest sister, Abby, quickly tired of the publicity and tried to avoid them. They hoped in a day or two the publicity would fade and they could go on with life. However, then came the doping allegations and with them more reporters. The reporters became rude and demanding. The Landis family was eventually forced to leave their home because the reporters were not allowing them to function.

This whole experience is a better object lesson on the consequences of our choices than I could ever imagine. Regardless of whether they approved of Floyd's choices or not, the Landis family has to deal with the consequences of his choices. Whether it is fame or shame, they have to deal with the reporters. They did not choose to be on the front page of the local newspaper almost every day this week--but that is where they were. They did not choose to be interviewed on national television--but as a result of Floyd's choices, they were interviewed every day. Whether Floyd is guilty or innocent, is not the topic of discussion here. Whether we like the consequences or not does not make any difference. The choices others make have an impact on our lives. The choices we make have an impact on others lives.

As John Donne stated in Meditation XVII, "no man is an island."


Meredith said...

It must have been quite an experience for the Landis family this past week. It is kind of amusing to read some of the items in the press about Mennonites and Floyd's childhood. It reminds us that one shouldn't take everything you read in the media as fact. It is merely the reporter's personal understanding of the situtation, and might actually be quite distorted.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog!
Interesting comments about the Landis family.
One of the most asked questons we have these days is "Are you related to Floyd?" It is distant but how distant..we don't know.
We pray that if he experiences defeat, it will bring him to the Lord.