Sunday, September 02, 2012

New Shoes

This week I replaced the shoes I bought in February. Those were worn out--completely.  It doesn't seem like I had them all that long, but I put many miles on them in the months I had them AND never liked them.  They were on the clearance shelf at Weaver's Store, and I thought they were a good deal. Reebok brand.  It took me weeks to get used to them.  I never wore them to hike Old Rag which was the trip I bought them for in the first place.  Now, they were shot. The soles were paper thin. The insides were in shreds. Like I said, they were worn out.

I replaced them with a brand new pair of Sketchers sport. I liked these better on their maiden voyage from home to Allegheny Meetinghouse on Thursday evening than I ever liked the Reeboks. One day this week my students were asking me about my walking excursions.  I raised the question about how many miles shoes are rated for lasting.  You know tires are rated for 60000 miles or whatever.  How about shoes? I told them that I may walk 25 miles in a week.  They figured out that if I walk 25 miles every week, I will walk over 1000 miles in a year.  Are these 1000 miles shoes?  We will see.

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